

You just found your way in this nasty little corner . . .  and I bid you, welcome!

Step right in. . .

Dark Chest of Wonders is a book blog maintained by a restless soul who goes by the weird name of jzhunagev. This gloomy alley is where he mostly rants and raves about books that delighted him, moved him, disturbed him, angered him, provoked him, mocked him, taunted him, shattered and exploded his brain into smithereens, as well as blab about books he hoards, his odd reading quirks, and pretty much just about any stuff that preoccupies him.

You see, this guy has a (weird!) way of seeing books as little chests — from which he can’t keep his itchy, grubby hands from — that makes reading for him an exploration. On this blog he writes how the journey had been, the discoveries he made, the things that lies far beyond and, of course, the wonders of it all.

More than anything else, he wants this spot to be more than the usual book blog around. He wishes this to be a juncture for meaningful communication with friends and book lovers alike. Sharing is what makes this experience rich and worthwhile, or so he says.

This fearless wanderer doesn’t restrict himself from reading any genre or any kind of book for he ardently believes in life’s ever widening possibilities. He pretty much reads anything that’s of interest, stimulates his imagination, and is worth the trouble he’s going to spend with it. Lately, he has taken a fancy with horror, supernatural, crime, mystery, and speculative fiction genres. Nevertheless, he never shies away from the challenge of a difficult read.

For further bits as to how this blog started you can read more from here!

This is as much I will say for now.  There’s so many little chests  scattered about waiting to be opened.  My warm regards and happy reading. See you around!

Dark nights and pleasant wonders!


The Skull-o’-Meter rating system explained….

5 SkullsHorrific! An extraordinary read, I highly recommend it!

4 Skulls — I liked the book very much, an enjoyable read.

3 Skulls — A fairly good book on the whole, nothing really impressing.

2 Skulls — Tolerable enough to read through.

1 SkullHorrible! To the fiery chasms of hell it goes!


A Few Friendly Reminders
The author doesn’t approve anonymous comments from bogus accounts on the posts of this blog. Let’s treat each other with courtesy, honesty, and respect; from there on everything follows.

All watermarked pictures and images with the blog’s name are owned by the blogger while others used in the posts are credited to their respective owners or linked to their web source whenever possible.


About jzhunagev
Hi! I’m jzhunagev! Reading books is my life and I have always been entranced by the power of words. I love the pull of a good, well drawn story, regardless of what age it is written for,  no matter what genre it belongs, whether it’s fiction or not, whether it’s written in ink on paper or pixels on screen, or as a limerick. If it reaches for utter humanity, in jest or in earnest, I’m going to like it. 😉


Approach me if you dare!
Folks, it’s up to your better judgment if he’s an able guide. As always, for violent reactions, petty recommendations, or even vicious complains, feel free to comment on any of the posts on this blog. It’ much better  and he more than appreciates it if you send him a word or two at jzhunagev[at]gmail[dot]com.

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